From the course: xAPI Foundations

Adaptive learning

From the course: xAPI Foundations

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Adaptive learning

- [Instructor] In this lesson, we're going to talk about using xAPI both sending statements and sending queries to create an adaptive learning activity. The way this page works is it will show you one of three videos from the Caminandes series. Each time you play a video all the way to completion it will send a statement to say that you have completed that video. When you reload, either by clicking the refresh or down below the video click go to next video, it's going to send a query to see which videos you've watched. And it will show you the next one in the series until at the end you'll get a surprise message. Let's take a look at how this works. We're going to take a look in Chrome first. Type in my name. I'm going to hit play. And I'm going to let this play long enough that you can see this is the first video in the series. There's the road and there's Koro trying to cross it. I'm going to scan ahead and let it play to the end. Now we've completed. Now if I come here and look at my learning record store, I have a statement, Anthony completed the video 01_llama_drama. So what happens when I hit refresh? It's going to ask for my name. But now because I've already watched the first video, it's going to show me the second, The Gran Dillama. I'm sorry, they're all llama pun names. Let's go ahead and hit play. I'm going to play long enough we can see this is a separate video, this is completely different than the first one we just watched. Again, I'm going to scan all the way to the end, I'm going to let this complete. I'm going to hit refresh again. And hit okay. And here we have the third video, Llamigos. Llama puns, we have them. We're going to hit play on this one. Again, we can see it's a different video. We'll scan all the way to the end, I don't want to ruin the ending for you. It's completed, now if I hit refresh and say I'm Anthony, congratulations, you've completed all three videos. The journey is basically its own reward, if we're honest here. But there's no trigger here, this is using xAPI statements to send an Anthony has completed whatever video and queries to see which videos I've completed and then we just go to the next one. And in fact, I can do this across browsers. It doesn't even have to be the same browser. Let's start with my friend Craig. He hasn't watched any of these videos, so it's going to start him at the beginning. We'll hit play. Here we are, here's the road, and there's Koro. We're going to scan to the end. And now instead of hitting refresh in Chrome, I'm going to hit refresh in Firefox. Here it's asking for my name, you can see clearly this is a different browser. We're going to hit okay, video number two, The Gran Dillama. We'll hit play, here again, this is the second video. We scan to the end, it completes. Again, I'm not going to hit refresh here, instead I'm going to switch over to Safari. And hit refresh. Type in Craig, again, we see the third video. We hit play. And here we see, again, clearly this is the third video. We scan ahead, and now let's go back to Chrome. And hit refresh. Congratulations, Craig has now watched all of the videos. Again, all done through xAPI statements and queries, no trick of the light here.
