From the course: A Tour of the SAP Cloud Platform

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- [Instructor] In this section we will recap what we learned on the SAP Cloud Platform. The key topics to take away from this course are SAP Cloud Platform is SAP's business platform as a service offering, allowing you to build new differentiating applications, extend existing applications, and integrate your systems across a hybrid environment. Then it's important to note, to keep innovations separate from the core and the benefits of that were discussed in the previous video. The SAP Cloud Platform provides agility to the business to allow them to do what they do best, such as innovate. It is a suite of services to consumed by IT as well as the business, so hopefully you know that the cloud platform is a platform that is, that has benefit to all parties if they are technologists, such as IT, or if they're consumers for the business. An appendix will be attached at the bottom of this course outline with links and…
