From the course: SAP Business One: Reporting and Customization

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Sort a Crystal report

Sort a Crystal report

- [Instructor] You select the records but it'd be nice to sort the records. Right now, they have a natural sort order, the production order. Let's sort by days due and then sort by status. First, let's get a little bit more data here and I'm going to go ahead and hit refresh, prompt for new parameter values, hit okay, and I'm going to change this back to 2001 and I'll change this to 12/31. So we got our full data setting now. Okay, there's the whole data set. That gives us more to sort and we're going to use the Record Sort Expert for this. Which if you go up to Report here, click that, you'll see down here middle ways Record Sort Expert and you'll see there's icon here which means there's something on the toolbar for it as well. I'm going to click that and I double-click on a field to sort it, then pick a direction. So I'm starting here with Due Date. so I'm going to go here go to Due Date and then I'll hit the little…
