From the course: SAP Transportation Management Overview

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Order capture: Terminology

Order capture: Terminology

- [Instructor] So now let's talk about order capture in TM. And by order capture, I mean typically S/4 might send a request to transport something in the form of a sales order or an STO, or a delivery. That order is captured in TM, and becomes a request for transportation, or a demand, if you will. So some terminology. And again, I keep apologizing for all the terms I'm throwing at you again, focus on the concepts. So there is something called an Order-based Transportation Requirement, another mouthful. Sometimes referred to as an OTR. Basically, all it is is a replication of the S/4 order, so you get sales order number 23417 in S/4, you get an OTR with 23417, same number, in TM. And configuration drives what and when those orders are passed from S/4 to TM. So what TM does what that OTR is it then maybe breaks it up into pieces. Something called a Freight Unit. So basically, that sales order can be one Freight Unit. So if you have a sales order for a full truckload, it is possible to…
