From the course: A Tour of the SAP Cloud Platform

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Limitations of the SCP trial account

Limitations of the SCP trial account - SAP ERP Tutorial

From the course: A Tour of the SAP Cloud Platform

Limitations of the SCP trial account

- [Instructor] In this section, we'll discuss the limitations of the Cloud platform trial account. Now, because the Cloud platform is a licensed product, hopefully it's no surprise that there are limitations when you sign up for the trial account. Those limitations are productive data and applications should not be developed in the Cloud platform trial, meaning only develop test or development or prototyping applications in the trial account. Never use the account to develop productive applications or store productive data. Part of that is due to that the SAP Cloud trial account does not offer a service level agreement related to availability of the Cloud platform services, meaning that the Cloud platform trial accounts can go down at any time without notice, and thus, you should not use it to store or develop productive data or applications. Next, you cannot add any additional members to the trial account. So, the trial…
