From the course: Introduction to SuccessFactors Foundation Module

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Key concepts

Key concepts

- [Instructor] For the last lesson in this course we will focus on an introduction to the Extension Center, with an overview and demo of how you actually extend the functionality of your system. So let's say you've gone live on day one, how do you actually extend that, based on maybe additional HR processes that you want to include on your platform? Let's start by talking about some of the key concepts of the Extension Center. So obviously the Extension Center's a feature of the Foundation module, and is a means to extend the functionality of the platform via configuration, and that's important because there's no coding involved. So it's not actually a custom code that you are adding to the platform. You are only using configuration to extend the functionality, to add HR processes, to extend HR processes. So when we talk about the Extension of the Platform, the Extension Center allows for the creation and maintenance of two types of extensions, a native extension, which means we are…
