From the course: Introduction to SuccessFactors Foundation Module

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Key concepts

Key concepts

an introduction to role based permissions. What does the security structure look like within success factors? of the Role Based Permissions. and data from the read and write perspective. We have to differentiate between some key elements firstly. The first key element we need to look at is something The first key element we need to look at is something called a Granted Permission Group. In essence what we're asking is who can do something? Who can do this? For example, Managers in London would be a specific Granted Permissions group. Then we take a look at the role. What can they do? What can the Managers in London do? This example might be to say which Manger Self Service activities can they perform. Lastly, we take a look at what's called the Target Permission Group. On which target population can these actions be taken? For example, if we take our example one step further we'll say "Only Managers in London can make Manager Self…
