From the course: Introduction to SuccessFactors Foundation Module

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Key concepts

Key concepts

we'll cover an overview and demonstration of the introduction to Intelligent Services. Once again Intelligent Services is a feature on the Foundation module, which means the aspects of Intelligent Services are success factors module agnostic. So what is Intelligent Services? It's an automatic consolidation of all the transactions So let's say for example, an employee goes on long-term sick leave, what will happen with all the employee's direct report workflow requests? So there are currently workflow requests in the inbox for that employee. They suddenly go on long-term sick leave, what needs to happen to that list of workflow items? What will happen to existing job requisitions currently assigned to the employee? So currently, that employee's part of a job requisition process and all of those job requisitions will just stall now for a certain period of time. Because that person is not there to action them, so Intelligent Services is trying to consolidate all of the transactions…
