From the course: Introduction to SuccessFactors Foundation Module

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Demonstration overview

Demonstration overview

- [Instructor] Next up, we're going to look at system demonstration of the homepage. We'll focus on the web-based interface, and we'll start by doing a review of the layout of the homepage and covering the key concepts we've mentioned in the slideshow. As a manager, I'm going to move a tile within a section just to show you how you'd change that layout to your preference, and as a manager, we're going to navigate a system link on a tile, as well. Furthermore, we'll look at how a manager would actually approve a workflow request, which is pushed to them by a tile on the homepage. As a system administrator, we're going to create a simple custom tile, and furthermore, as a system administrator, we'll create a simple guided tour of the homepage so that it's as easy as possible for first time users to navigate the homepage. It's important to note that the homepage features are not supported on mobile because per definition they are the web based application's homepage or staring point.
