From the course: A Tour of the SAP Cloud Platform

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Demo: Setting up your trial account

Demo: Setting up your trial account - SAP ERP Tutorial

From the course: A Tour of the SAP Cloud Platform

Demo: Setting up your trial account

- [Instructor] In this section, we'll take a look at these steps on how to set up your trial account of the SAP Cloud Platform, starting with a demo, followed by limitations of a trial account, Cloud Foundry, versus the SAP Neo Environment, as well as the SAP relationship to the hyperscalers. But first, let's start with a demo. Okay, so in order to sign up for your SAP Cloud Platform trial account, open a browser, and navigate to And it'll take you to the SAP Cloud Platform homepage. Just a really quick tour. Up at the top, you can see different links for scenarios, there are cloud platform capabilities, information on pricing, on how to get started, what our customers are doing with us, partners, et cetera. As well as there's an estimator, so if you have a use-case in mind, you can go estimate what you need on the cloud platform and how much it's going to cost. You can also create a free trial,…
