From the course: SAP BI/BW: Project Design and Implementation

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DataStore object (DSO) creation

DataStore object (DSO) creation

- [Instructor] So let's go ahead and create a Data Stored Object. First when you did navigate to the info provider button over here on the left hand side, and we can see our info area that we've created a couple of exercises ago, we don't see an arrow here to expand because the currently are no info providers under our info area. So let's go ahead and create our first info provider of type Data Store Object or DSO. We'll right click on our info area and choose create Data Store Object. We'll call this ZBREW_01 and we'll name this BW310 Brewery DSO. It's the best practice to put an O at the end of your DSO followed by a number because more often than not, DSO is will need to grow over time and you'll need more DSOs to take on the data load volume that's going to be coming in. But you want to keep track historically of what's part of each DSL. So you can either put a date for instance, currently it's year…
