From the course: Introduction to SAP BI/BW

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Brief overview of SAP HANA

Brief overview of SAP HANA - SAP ERP Tutorial

From the course: Introduction to SAP BI/BW

Brief overview of SAP HANA

- [Instructor] So what is SAP HANA? And why should you care about it? HANA is a technology that allows us to pretty much store all of our data in memory. For years, all we had available to us was disks. So, like your standard hard drive plugged into a server and that was your database. But now, it's all stored in memory. So, if the old database gets thrown out the window and HANA gets plugged in and everything runs lightening fast using memory instead of disk. HANA is SAPs vision for the future. Their positioning themselves to be more of a database vendor by pushing HANA. It's not a piece of software. BW 7.3 is software, BW 7.4 is software, and HANA is a database. So, it's completely separate. But, the way they're bundling and selling HANA is put all of your data on this new database and revolutionize the way you run your business. You no longer need to focus on optimizing the way your BW installation's set up…
