From the course: SAP Transportation Management Overview

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Analytics options

Analytics options

- [Instructor] So this is probably that shortest chapter in the TM Overview, Analytics, because really, analytics is not TM. Analytics is a whole separate application that can and should be applied to the whole wealth of SAP activity, not the least of which is TM. So the thing to keep in mind for analytics is that there are constantly-changing tools and with increasing sophistication, including the FIORI application, if you will, that is a very good tool for delivering standard or custom content. With any analytical application, of course, there is the idea of getting dashboards and cubes to make your own reporting. Within TM, say in the cockpit, there is a concept called Visual Business, which basically you can see TM screens with embedded analytics that are context-sensitive. So all this is pretty generic, not unique to TM. For TM however, of course, the possibility of applying analytical tools brings a whole host of ideas and options, the most important of which is probably the…
