From the course: SAP Business One: Reporting and Customization

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Add a UDF in SQL

Add a UDF in SQL

- [Instructor] Once you have a UDF, they are relatively easy to use. But there are a few wrinkles you need to be aware of. Let's play with this UDF in a SQL report and see how to use them in SQL. Now, I'm going to start a new report for this, so I'm going to go over here to tools, and go to queries, and query generator. And this is on OCRD, 'cause we're doing the business partner. Hit Tab. And we're going to start with card code and card name. Slide all the way down the bottom. To really use this, all you got to do is double click it. That's how a user defined field will show up. It'll be in that table, but it'll be prefixed with U_, like I have here. So I came up with the name Pizza, but SAP will put the U_ on it. Now, just to limit my report here, I'm only going to worry about customers, so I'm going to go to card type, and make them just customers. Which is a C. All right, that's the whole report. I can…
