From the course: Learning Microsoft Dynamics 365: The Basics

Getting around in Dynamics 365

- [Instructor] Microsoft Dynamic 365's user interface, or UI, might be a little different than other interfaces that you are used to. We don't have a ribbon at the top like we do in Word or Excel. Let's explore a little bit so we understand how the interface works and get familiar with it. In Dynamics 365 you are never more than two or three clicks away from the information you wish to access. Take a look at the top of the screen. First I have a waffle that will allow me to go to other applications. In fact all the applications that I have access to in Office 365 and elsewhere. If I want to go back to that home page, the landing page for Dynamics that allows me to access all of my apps, I can choose home here. I can also choose other applications here as well. I don't need to go back to that landing page, or home page for Dynamics itself in order to go to other applications. Next I have the application that I'm running right now, which is called Sales Hub. If I choose it, it's simply going to re-load it. Next I have an item that looks like breadcrumbs but they really don't work that way. It tells me I'm in Sales and that I'm in Dashboards but clicking Sales doesn't really take me anywhere. To the right I have search, which we'll be talking about in the next movie. I have Task Flow, so that I can begin an automated flow for a task. I have a Relationship Assistant which allows me to discover insights about my contacts and about other parts of my work. I have New, which allows me to create a new record, a Filter button which allows me to find my settings, Home, and then my login information here, and, as well as the name of this particular server, in this case kenetico or kesandbox. On the left hand side then, I have My Work, Dashboards. So if I click Dashboards, it will take me to my default dashboard, you only have one, but there's a dropdown list so that I could view other dashboards. For example, a Sales Performance Dashboard. I can then click on activities. It's a list of activities that I am engaged with, with my accounts and contacts, leads and opportunities. If I want to go to Accounts, Contacts, Leads, Opportunities, Competitors, Quotes, Orders, any of those sets of records are simply one click away. One click away to go to Contacts. One click away to go back to my Dashboards. Now, any place I've been recently shows on the recents list. I've been all over the place since we started, but some of these might be places I want to go back to a lot right now, for example, I'm doing a lot of work with Ivan, and so I can simply pin Ivan, and I like going to My Open Leads on a regular basis, so I'm going to pin My Regular Leads and now when I close up Recent and I click Pinned, those are the two items that I've pinned, and I can remove the pins so don't forget that you have the easy ability to put your current work on your pinned list and remove it when you are done with it. In addition to Pinned and Recent, Home, in this case, will bring me back to the home page in Sales. It will not bring me back to the home page that is listed here for Dynamics 365, so if I'm elsewhere and I'm looking at Accounts, for example, and want to come back home, I simply click Home and it brings me back to the Dashboard, which is my default Dashboard. If I chose to see a different dashboard, for example, my General Sales Dashboard and this is what I wanted to see whenever I came here, and I love this dashboard. If I set this as the default, I'm really setting this as Home. So now if I go to Accounts, and I click back on Home, note that it will take me to the dashboard which I have set as the default. So much of Dynamics 365 is customizable at the user level. Don't be afraid to pin items or to choose the dashboards that work best for you and your work.
