From the course: frog's FEMA Disaster Relief Innovation


- We were invited into a round table discussion with FEMA's Field Innovation team to discuss the events of Sandy. This was the first time that a government agency such as FEMA approached a design agency such as Frog. - We've identified key ways that FEMA can work with communities ahead of time to really prepare for a response. We bring a lot of different people with different mindsets into one room and get them to start to think about creative solutions to a problem. - In this case you take people from the federal government, from FEMA, to sort of bring them together in an environment in which they feel comfortable as part of a creative process to shift the dynamics for how FEMA works. - Often creating some kind of artifacts like a book is a great way to make sure that an idea has legs. - With the design of the book, we wanted it to be approachable and minimal and something that can be taken seriously. The more clarity that we could bring to the disaster recovery experience, the better a job we would do.
