From the course: Practical Software-Defined Networking: 1 SDN and OpenFlow Quick Start

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Which controller should I learn?

Which controller should I learn?

(whooshing) - [Instructor] This is one of multiple videos discussing SDN, network programmability, network automation, overlays and related technologies. There are many software-defined networking controllers in the market today. This was presented at the ONF Tutorial Day at ONS 2016. The discussion was which controller is winning or is there a winner with regards to controllers? Now, there are many controllers. Here's only a sample of some of the open source controllers such as OpenContrail, OpenDaylight, ONOS and Ryu and notice that the more prominent controllers are shown here as controllers that you may be interested in learning. There are also many commercial controllers from most of the major vendors. With regards to open source controllers, the two controllers that you probably gonna wanna learn if you wanna learn any open source controller is OpenDaylight and ONOS. Those are the two main controllers. You can find out more information about OpenDaylight at and…
