From the course: Women Transforming Tech: Building Your Brand

Takeaways about building your brand

From the course: Women Transforming Tech: Building Your Brand

Takeaways about building your brand

(lively music) - I would advise to a young woman who's just starting in tech, that believe in self-discovery, have short-term and long-terms goals which is very important. Most importantly know your strengths but don't be afraid to tap on your weaknesses because often we shy away to address our weaknesses. Be comfortable to be uncomfortable. Step out of your comfort zone. You will come out very, very strong. Trust me, that happens. Have the appetite to learn because you stop growing when you don't learn. Like look for opportunities where you are gaining new skills and you're constantly learning something new or building new relationships. Seek feedback from time to time just not from your friends but also your co-workers and what is very important is, do act upon that feedback. Another advice I would like to give young women who are just starting a career in tech is don't limit yourself for opportunities. Often lot of times I've seen young women, you know two three years into tech, they get very, very comfortable in their current role. When you get comfortable and you don't take risk to step out of your comfort zone, you actually stop growing and I highly recommend be the risk taker, try out new things and that makes you to become a much stronger person in your career. And also network and attend conferences. You will be learning a ton. You will be building new relationships. You will be learning from those experiences and soon you will find out that you are not alone in this journey.
