From the course: Women Transforming Tech: Breaking Bias

Small steps to break bias

- Hearing the research, hearing that the level playing field might not be so level can be pretty hard to hear. There can be both a sadness that it is that way. There can be relief, oh, it's not just me. But at the end of the day, what people come to is this question. How can we move beyond the barriers we're facing? How can we truly break bias? And that's the hope I have. As it turns out, we don't have to change everything. Our research shows that when you make one small change, we call it a small win, and that small win picks up momentum, and others pick up on it, and they start to enact in those same behaviors. So while what we're doing might feel small, what I always take as encouragement is this. You can truly change a culture one small and important step at a time.
