From the course: Robot Framework Test Automation: Jenkins CI and Git Version Control

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Save script changes to a remote repo

Save script changes to a remote repo

- [Instructor] Now that we've cloned a remote repository down to our local machine, let's take a look at how we can make some changes and contribute to the project. Notice down here in my version control tab I have no outstanding changes, so I will expand my tests directory here and resources, and I'll double click on my script file, and just for example, I'm going to put in two spaces and add a fake tag here called search. When I do that, that change has been tracked by Git, and down here in the version control tab under local changes, if I expand this you can see that it knows Amazon.robot has been changed. If I jump up to the server and go to the code section here, I make sure that I'm on my TFS Git demo repository, if I expand tests and click on Amazon.robot, I can see the contents of this file. And notice that I do not have that change on the server file. So let's change one more file and see how we can get our local changes up to the server. So I'll expand our page objects, and…
