From the course: Robot Framework Test Automation: Jenkins CI and Git Version Control

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Install a local instance of Git

Install a local instance of Git

- [Narrator] Installing and setting up Git is pretty straightforward. You'll notice here I've browsed to Git dash S-E-M dot com and if we scroll down the page a little bit we'll find a download for Windows and when this auto downloader bar pops up I'll click save as and I'll go to my usual C installers, create a new folder for Git, double click, and I will save that installer in C installers Git. You can put it where ever you want. When the download is finished we'll open up that folder and we'll simply double click on installer and run it. Click on next for the license, again leave all defaults here. We'll use the default start menu folder called Git. I'm going to leave this default setting here as well because it's talking about adding Git to our path. It allows us to use Git from both Git Bash and the Windows command prompt. So we'll leave that and we'll click next. Leave this default setting. It's asking us to configure the terminal emulator to use with Git Bash. I'm just going to…
