From the course: Software Design: Code and Design Smells

Identify your ineffective code

From the course: Software Design: Code and Design Smells

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Identify your ineffective code

- [Harrison] Software development can be a tricky business. Most days you're walking the line between trying to deliver a working product on a deadline and meeting the requirements of your future users. All while ensuring a certain level of code quality. In the midst of all that, there are moments where you no doubt look at your project and wonder if the code you've written is as flexible, safe, and understandable as it could be. Enter code and design smells, code that works but has weak points that indicate deeper issues of technical debt, brittle architecture, and potential bugs. Throughout this course, I want to take you through some of the most common smells you'll find out in the wilds of your code base. Not only that, I want to give you the tools you need to weed out the rotten code once you've found it and ensure that your projects are as smell free as possible. Hi, I'm Harrison Ferrone, iOS and Unity instructional author and I hope you'll join me on this journey into the realm of software craftsmanship.
