From the course: Lean Technology Strategy: Purposeful Organizations

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How purpose empowers mission command

How purpose empowers mission command

- One of the most important parts, of the purpose of your organization, is it not only is a clarity of purpose, about what we're trying to achieve, but it acts as a key motivator, an intrinsic motivator, for people in your team. One of our favorite examples of this, is Dan Pink's book, "Drive." Where he talks about purpose, autonomy, and mastery. The whole goal of purpose is to clarify, why am I doing this work? When we're talking about motivating people, that's one of the key things, that really help them understand. What's the purpose of what I'm trying to do, and how can I contribute to it? Secondly, they want autonomy. Freedom and understanding of choices that they can make, to achieve that purpose, that they feel is under their own control. And then finally mastery. The ability to experiment and learn, and improve their craft and skills, in the process of delivering that purpose. So as a leader, when…
