From the course: Women Transforming Tech: Career Insights

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Discovering your superpower: Rashim Mogha

Discovering your superpower: Rashim Mogha

From the course: Women Transforming Tech: Career Insights

Discovering your superpower: Rashim Mogha

(gentle music) - [Instructor] Everyone has a superpower. You just need to ask yourself what yours is. (gentle upbeat music) - So superpower is something that sets you apart from others. We all have superpowers. Everybody's superpower is different. When you look at leadership qualities, what comes to mind is clarity of vision to execute, to lead teams. And as leaders, while we have all those traits, one of those traits is something that we excel in, and that is our superpower. So how do you go about identifying your superpower? You ask people, you know, you ask your coworkers. I would love to know what did you think I did differently as compared to others on this project? And those are the things that if you do it, repeat it after project, after project, you will realize that it drills down to a couple of qualities that are your superpower. So that's how you go about finding your superpower. (gentle upbeat music)
