From the course: Robot Framework Test Automation: Jenkins CI and Git Version Control

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Configure PyCharm for TFS

Configure PyCharm for TFS

- In order to use the PyCharm version control features with Microsoft Team Services, we first need to configure PyCharm a little bit. So we'll go to file, settings, plugins, and we'll click browse repositories. And up here in the search bar, we'll start typing team services, and notice there's only one option here, Visual Studio Team Services. It's been updated very recently. We'll click on the install button. It's downloading the plugin, and now it tells us we need to restart PyCharm in order to install the plugin. So I'll click that button, and for some reason it didn't restart, so I'll click OK, and now it's telling me to restart. So now that we're up and running and back inside the program, normally what we would do is go into file, settings, version control, and you can see that we have Git settings, we've got GitHub settings, we also have this TFVC, which I assume is the Team Foundation tab that we're supposed to click on, but every time I click on this, it seems to hang here in…
