From the course: Robot Framework Test Automation: Jenkins CI and Git Version Control

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Clone an existing repo to local disk

Clone an existing repo to local disk

- [Narrator] If you're a new hire on a software development team or test automation team, there's a great chance that they already have an existing repository of scripts up on GitHub. So what they will do is give you credentials to their GitHub account, and you'll have to go and clone the script repository from the remote server down to your local machine, so you can start contributing to the team. So let's take a look at what that process looks like using PyCharm. PyCharm has support for GitHub right out of the box, but we do need to go into file, settings, and expand the version control tab, and click on GitHub. In here, we'll type in, and I'm going to leave this set to password here, but just bear in mind that we could use an SSH key here as well. I'll type in my username and password and click on test to ensure that it's working. So you can see my connection was successful. And if you have a slow internet connection, you might consider bumping up this connection timeout…
