From the course: Kubernetes for Java Developers

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Build and test application using Maven

Build and test application using Maven

From the course: Kubernetes for Java Developers

Build and test application using Maven

- [Instructor] For this course, we will use a simple Java application built using Spring Boot. Now we are using Spring Boot, but you're definitely welcome to choose a framework of your choice. End of the day, you need a Java application that needs to be Kubernetes-sized. This particular application publishes a REST endpoint that can be invoked at a certain endpoint. Now, this application is available as part of the GitHub repo of the course. It's a Maven based project, and now have it open here in IntelliJ. Let's take a look at this application. First thing we do is take a look at the source code. It's a very simple application by design because the focus here is on how to package a Java application as a Docker container and Kubernetes-ize it, not on the complexity of the Java application. So here is my simple greeting controller. As you can see, this is a very standard Spring Boot application. Here is the endpoint where the application is accessible, and it just returns a simple…
