From the course: Creativity Tips for All

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How to know when you are done

How to know when you are done

From the course: Creativity Tips for All

How to know when you are done

(upbeat piano music) - Leonardo da Vinci famously said, "Art is never finished, only abandoned." And who am I to argue with a legendary polymath? This statement applies to any creative enterprise. It's nearly impossible to know when you're finished with something, and yet it's essential to know when it's time to let go. Knowing when you're done, is one of the most difficult balances to strike in creativity, but da Vinci's quote holds the key to moving forward and moving on with your work. In order to know when it's time to stop working on something, we're going to need to break down some more cultural myths about creativity. There is a deep-seated fear in the creative mind that whatever you're presently working on could be your one great idea. I'm here to tell you that no idea you ever have is going to be greater than your ability to come up with an idea. In order to be a productive, effective, and healthy…
