From the course: Tanner Woodford: The Value of Building and Growing Community

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A professional community impact

A professional community impact

- [Narrator] As Tanner progressed through his college career at ASU, he led a number of design related projects in his free time. One of the most notable was a collaboration with a close friend that eventually became one of the most popular design conferences in Arizona. - [Tanner] And ended up founding a conference called Phoenix Design Week and it was one of the first design weeks in the U.S., I think it was the second or the third at the time, something like that. Invited speakers in from all across the U.S. You've spoken at Phoenix Design. - [Interviewer] I have, yeah, I was honored to be asked. - [Tanner] Twice, right, or just once? - [Interviewer] Well, it was supposed to be twice. That first week's swapped - You switched place. for Mark Because I had to commit and then I had a family thing going, I was one of those guys. - Got it. - Yeah. - [Tanner] (laughs) It's bound to happen. Yeah, so we ended up just trying…
