From the course: Creativity Tips for All

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Silence your inner critic

Silence your inner critic

- We tend to think that the external distractions of time pressures, work stress, and life responsibilities are what keep us from accessing our creativity. But what if the main blocks to creativity instead are internal? We suffer just as much, or more, from the distractions, the internal distractions, of impostor syndrome, fears that our work isn't good enough, the fear of being judged, comparing ourselves to others, or being afraid of not doing everything perfectly and making mistakes. Fear and anxiety are like kryptonite to creativity. They totally shut down the generative impulses in the brain. Luckily we can pinpoint the source of these fears. It's the inner critic. The inner critic is an internal entity that develops over the course of our early lives as a form of protection against future criticism or judgment. Sadly, by the time we reach adulthood, it does its job far too well, and it often makes us hold ourself…
