From the course: Creativity Tips for All

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Restriction in the creative process

Restriction in the creative process

From the course: Creativity Tips for All

Restriction in the creative process

- Are any of you artists? - No. - Would you consider yourself artists? A little bit of artist, okay, this is good. All right, so, we're going to get a little artistic for a second, if that's okay. All right, so I'm going to give each of you a piece of paper, okay? Here's what I'd like you to do, let's do this, let's bring these pens out here for you. I want each of you just to draw something. Anything you want, just draw something. I know, you were like, "I'm not artistic, "didn't you hear me a second ago?" No, just draw something. Okay? - Okay. - For you at home, find a piece of paper, just draw anything you want, something small, go ahead. Just draw something, anything you want, make it small. Something little, anything you want. Okay, you got it? Good, all right, so, these are really good, ish, right, they're really good, okay. - Thank you. - So I know, I give you little bit of compliment there. All right…
