From the course: Creativity Tips for All

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Our creative brains are always active

Our creative brains are always active

From the course: Creativity Tips for All

Our creative brains are always active

- Often, when we talk about creativity in the brain, the conversation goes towards talk of right brain versus left brain. Turns out that this is incorrect and inaccurate. Check this out. The left hemisphere is made of neatly stacked vertical columns, much like pancakes, pancakes, which allows for the clear differentiation of separate mental functions but less integration of those functions. That's the left hemisphere. The right hemisphere is more of a mix structurally, but has more neuro-connections both within itself and throughout the rest of the brain. Creativity comes from giving the right brain a chance to access all of the information stored in the other places of the brain and to put it all together in a new way. When the brain is in alpha brainwave mode, instead of responding to the outside world, the brain starts to explore its inner database, searching for relationships in a more relaxed fashion and often…
