From the course: Graphic Design Careers: First Steps

Harnessing your creativity

From the course: Graphic Design Careers: First Steps

Harnessing your creativity

- Creativity is the fuel artists and designers depend on. Many believe it's an elusive force that comes out of thin air, except when it doesn't. Who hasn't sat in front of a blank canvas, a sheet of paper or a computer screen waiting for inspiration to strike? Creativity is more complex than simply thinking of ideas. It can also involve overcoming major emotional blocks. As artist Amy Wynne shares in the weekly series, Creativity for All, she feels fear and vulnerability when looking at a big looming white canvas. In this same series, photographer Ben Long share his taxonomy of creative fears, ranging from a fear of bad ideas to a fear of discovering you're not good at what you do. Yet another creative block can be our own harsh inner critic, and Denise Jacobs created an entire course to help you with this called Banish Your Inner Critic to Unleash Creativity. Are you seeing a pattern here? Even experienced creative professionals struggle with finding and nurturing creativity. Do you experience this? I know I have. Now, take a deep breath. (exhaling deeply) There are so many courses that can help you with your own creative practice, such as Creativity Bootcamp, Learning Brainstorming, and Breaking Out of a Creative Rut. It's not always easy to find the fuel you need to break through a creative impasse, but hopefully, some of these ideas can help you go beyond it and create designs that you truly love.
