From the course: Type Tips

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Creating a travel book cover

Creating a travel book cover

From the course: Type Tips

Creating a travel book cover

- [Instructor] Hi, I'm Nigel Ffrench. Welcome to Type Tips. In this episode, I'm going to recreate this travel guide that uses images in the negative space between the letters. This was suggested to me by something that I found on Pinterest by Remy Sanchez. This, in turn, led me to this very interesting website, Show Us Your Type, which combines typography with city names. So you might want to check that out. I'm going to come and turn off all but my background layer. My background layer is locked. It's a filled color rectangle. I'll now create a new layer for my content and let's call this one type. Choose my Type tool, click and drag, create my text frame, add in my text. I'm deliberately not including the space between the two words because there's going to be so much space anyway. I will select that and I'll make it Gotham, bold condensed. 72 points. And then come into my paragraph formatting. I'll choose justify all lines. Now I need to adjust the position of the type…
