From the course: Type Tips

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Create and alphabet from a single grid

Create and alphabet from a single grid

From the course: Type Tips

Create and alphabet from a single grid

- [Nigel] Hi, I'm Nigel French. Welcome to Type Tips. In this week's episode, I'd like to show how to construct an alphabet, specifically, construct an alphabet based upon a grid using the live paint selection tool. I'm taking, as my inspiration, this grid. Let me zoom in, and I'll hide my live paint layer. All of the 26 letters and all of the 10 numerals are constructed from this grid, and this is inspired by what's known as the Houdini Alphabet. Here is a YouTube video that you can watch about this. Apparently this grid was found in Harry Houdini's scrapbook. So, here's how we can take this and use it in Illustrator. I'm going to start a new document, and I'll just have it be letter size. We're going to be changing this pretty quickly, and first of all to construct my grid. I'll choose my rectangle tool and create a square. Let's turn off any fill and any stroke, and I'm going to do this in outline view. I'm now…
