จากหลักสูตร: Typography: Type in Motion


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Animation qualities

Animation qualities

จากหลักสูตร: Typography: Type in Motion

เริ่มทดลองใช้ฟรี 1 เดือน

Animation qualities

- How can we animate type? Let me count the ways. Type can snap, crackle, pop. It can slither like a snake. It can blast off like a rocket. It can shrink and disappear. It can grow to fill the screen. It can pulse like a heartbeat. It can wriggle like a puppy. As it animates, type creates a mood, sets the tone, and of course, it has more impact than type that is static. Music or audio can also amplify the overall feeling. These examples show just some of the ways your type can move on the screen. In this clip, the type flickers into view and it slowly expands and then deconstructs in slanting slices to match the direction of the icy sleet. We can feel the extreme conditions of Antarctica. (wind howling) This clip shows the opposite motion. Here, the world counterpart comes together as tiny, round pellets coalesce into letter forms. It's mysterious and ominous. Animated type can create so many different effects.…
