From the course: Type Tips

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Adding a shaded shadow

Adding a shaded shadow

From the course: Type Tips

Adding a shaded shadow

- [Instructor] Welcome to Type Tips. I'm Nigel French. This week, I am in Illustrator and I'd like to show you how to make this cool, extruded shaded shadow effect, and it's completely nondestructive. I'm going to come to my layers panel, turn off my finished state, create a new layer for my new version. I'll now choose my type tool, click onto my art board to create some point type, and then just type in my word, increase the size to 200 point. I'm going to choose a more interesting font for this purpose. I'm then going to press Command or Control + T to bring up my character panel. A couple of adjustments here. I'd like to make sure that I'm using optical kerning and because the shadow is going to fill in some of the spaces between the letters, I'm going to start out with some positive tracking. Then on my align panel, I am aligning to the art board. I'm going to horizontally align center and vertically align center. Now I want to come to my appearance panel and all of these effects…
