From the course: The 33 Laws of Typography

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21 Avoid bad line breaks

21 Avoid bad line breaks

- Law 21: Avoid Bad Line Breaks. A line break is the place in a paragraph where text breaks off at the end of one line and then continues again on the next line of the paragraph. And there are Two Different Types of Bad Line Breaks. Bad Visual Breaks and Bad Contextual Breaks. Bad Visual Breaks are line breaks that Visually Disrupt the Flow of Your Text. Here's an example of a small chunk of text that has some Bad Visual Breaks and here's an example of the same text, but now the breaks have been fixed and our paragraph looks a lot neater and a lot cleaner. If you are using flush left text, like we are here in our examples, you want to make sure and pay attention to the right edge of your text block. This first block of text here is an example of what is called a Bad Rag, or a Bad Ragged Edge. And you can see over here on this right side the jagged dynamic shape that's being created in the white space of this right margin. This is pretty Distracting and should be avoided. Looking at…
