From the course: Creative Inspirations: Bert Monroy, Digital Painter and Illustrator


(Music playing.) Hi! I want to welcome you to my studio and my home. I work out of my home, so let's go in and see. This is one of my prints here. This is on paper. The actual truck isn't far from here, but it's just a truck that sits in a guy's driveway. It's an old Diamond T. This print here is in a nice, little dark area because it will fade. It's one of the first Iris prints, which was done back in 1991. This is where my wife works. And she is there at work. That's my wife sitting at her computer. And beyond there - hi Zosha! - and beyond there, normally, on a clear day you can see San Francisco through her window there, but today is not a very clear day. This is my studio, my command center, as I like to call it. So you could see how I have it set up here. I work on these two Cintiqs. This is the main Cintiq I work on. This one has all my panels and so on. And then this is my viewing screen up here. That's John Knoll on the screen there, one of the guys who wrote Photoshop, And right now, I am in the process of doing his hair. This is an early piece done in MacPaint. It's dated 1986 on here, but it was somewhere in there. I was drawing in MacPaint in 1984, when the first Mac came out. These are some of my books. In fact, here is a good one. This is the first ever Photoshop book that was co-written by David Biedny and myself. And it was the first book and the only book for almost two years. It was in black and white. We had 16 pages in color that we had to fight for. They didn't want to do any color. A long time ago, I just printed out all these different art disks that I had. So I had everything that was on each disk, so I could refer to it. We didn't have things like Bridge in those days, things that we can refer to, to look at the different art. So what I did was, to print out all these things, I just let the little image writer print away, day after day, and I have kept it just for nostalgia. Here in the window are awards and then these things that the NAPP gives you when you are a speaker at the Photoshop World. Now, I keep them up there because at a certain time in the day when the sun is low, they send prisms all through the studio. I like color. I like light, and to see the light playing in my studio is kind of a lot of fun. It's a little moment of joy during the course of the day. We have been here for 15 years. It's home. I don't plan on leaving anytime soon. I really enjoy it here. It's peaceful. It has got everything I need. It's quiet, which is really nice. So that's basically my environment. So now, what we have to do is get down to business and talk about what it is that I actually do.
