From the course: Print Production: Direct Mail


From the course: Print Production: Direct Mail

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(elegant music) - Welcome to Print Production Essentials Direct Mail. I'm Trish Witkowski and I specialize in direct mail formats, guidelines, and production. I'm here to explain how to navigate and implement the U.S. Postal Service guidelines to get the most bang for your mailing buck. Now if you've ever sent a mail campaign or even considered sending one, you were probably a bit overwhelmed by the extensive and highly detailed U.S.P.S. rules and requirements and you may be thinking you're going to need a lot of caffeine to stay awake through an entire course about it, well I'm happy to report that I've done all of the most rigorous research for you, and I've distilled it down to only the most critical concepts and guidelines that you need to understand. We'll cover physical requirements, postage, production planning, design, engagement strategies, sorting and much more! I fully expect that when we're done you'll feel more confident and capable of planning and sending your own successful and cost efficient mail campaigns. Wow! We have a lot to cover so let's get our mail on.
