From the course: DJ Patil: Ask Me Anything

What are you working on currently?

From the course: DJ Patil: Ask Me Anything

What are you working on currently?

(upbeat instrumental music) - Hey everyone, I know it's a little awkward here, different shirt, you know, backgrounds, all the other stuff. There's something important that I want to talk to you about as we've been working and developing in this content, and that is the question of ethics and how it impacts data. And so, with my two colleagues, Hilary Mason and Mike Loukides, we've actually written a small book. It's called Data and Ethics, and the whole point of it is to ask how, as practitioners working to build these systems, as data scientists, how do we take ownership to get ahead of the ethical challenges that are coming, as the people who are going to be actually implementing and making this real? We talk about everything from, what could a potential checklist look like as we're building out these things, to make sure we're not gonna cause any harm? How do we think about the key things that we call the five Cs, from consistency, clarity, and consent and all the other things that have to happen as you're building a product that actually treats a human with the dignity that they deserve? As well as case studies that are bound to it around things that you might be able to talk to with a friend or other colleagues, just to see, well, what are the potential issues that are out there that we may not be thinking about, and get our mind revving around those things. So the great news about this, it's free, it's easy to download. I hope you'll check it out and provide your feedback. It's an iterative process, this is what we call a dot one of this release, and we're thinking of it as an open source project where others can contribute their ideas, not just on the checklist but the content as well. So thank you for all of you who have already started to provide your comments. I hope the rest of you out there, you're going to jump in and engage in the dialogue and the conversation, 'cause this question of data and ethics, we need all of us. We have to make data science a team sport, and I need you on the team to start thinking about these issues now, because that's what's coming around the corner for our future, for our kids, and our kids' kids. Oh, (laughs) one more thing. The question that I get asked all the time is what am I spending most of my time on these days? And the best thing that I get to tell you about is our new company called Devoted Health. If you go to, you'll learn all about it. But the short version of it is, we are building a healthcare system that treats every member like they were our own family. And the mission, simply put, is to take care of everyone like they were mom, dad, brother, and sister. What we are doing to make that happen is we've gotten some of the best policy minds, who've thought about all different types of care models. We've gotten great technologists who are thinking about how do you actually build technology, data, and at the end of the day, really amazing doctors, nurses, clinical guides who help shepherd you through the system. And we're putting that all together in this new model. I hope that you'll keep an eye on what we're doing. And for those of you that are excited about this kind of mission, I hope you'll consider coming on board and working on this with us, thanks, everyone. (upbeat instrumental music)
