From the course: DJ Patil: Ask Me Anything

What data science projects are you working on?

From the course: DJ Patil: Ask Me Anything

What data science projects are you working on?

(upbeat music) - So the other thing that I'm really focused on, and it's for the data science community, is how do we start thinking about what does it mean to be responsible? And taking the responsibility of the data scientist further and more aggressively forward to say, hey, look, if people are going to try to use data more effectively and use it more pervasive in society, how do we make sure that we're doing that responsibly and making sure that every single person benefits from it? And the way I like to think of it is how often we love to say that a technology is both radical and revolutionary and going to change the world. And I would just assert that a technology's neither radical nor revolutionary unless it benefits every person. And once it does that, then great. So let's lift everyone up. And how do we do that as a community? And so we have been doing a bunch of writing that will start getting released. And as that gets out there, the goal is to have more community efforts. And with that are these questions around national security with data, especially as we have increased attacks from cyber security, breaches, and other countries are attacking or trying to push fake news. All of that combines in there. And I think we have to ask ourselves how are we going to use data more effectively not just in healthcare, but as a community? And what does that look like if we want to be that community? (upbeat music)
