From the course: DJ Patil: Ask Me Anything

How can data scientists better inform the general public?

From the course: DJ Patil: Ask Me Anything

How can data scientists better inform the general public?

(upbeat music) - [Interviewer] So how do we go about informing the general public what's good for the world and what's not? - Well, one, for the technologists, all of them need to be trained in a base level of ethics. Every person that is taking a data science class, getting a degree, whether it's college, MOOC, or anything else, Massive Online Open Courses, all of them need to have ethic integrated into the curriculum. Not just some elective, but it's got to be integrated through there, questions of right, wrong, all those things. The other portion is that everyone needs to be increasingly trained about the questions of what data can do and can't do in many ways. What are the limitations and how should we think about technology? Just as we had taught everyone how to type, we have to start asking the broader questions about, hey, what does this actually mean? I would love if every high school taught their kids where they actually walk through the terms of service and challenged them to say actually, what does this mean? Did you realize that they're doing this? What could they do with your data in this right? What an interesting exercise that would be if every kid was challenged with doing that. That world is here today of the implications of that data. (upbeat music)
