From the course: DaVinci Resolve Guru: Moving Timelines Between Editing Apps

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The two round-tripping workflows

The two round-tripping workflows

- [Instructor] There are some timeline elements that cannot be translated. And it's important stuff, like speed ramps or third party plugins. And sometimes there are miss translations, all of this makes the handles workflow complicated. These next three slides, I'm not going to read out loud to you. If you have access to the exercise files, I provide this deck so you can read these at your leisure. The point is, there are three parts to the handles approach and none are simple. And we'll be talking about these in detail over the next few chapters. Part one, the editor has to prep the timeline for the colorist and export the XML. Part two, the colorist needs to import the XML into resolve and then conform the timeline. In a later chapter, I will walk you step-by-step through my conform process, which is critical for successful round trip. Part three is rendering and exporting the footage in XML to get the color graded footage back into your editing software. Each of these parts has a…
