From the course: DaVinci Resolve 12 Essential Training

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In action: Hero shots and looks, part 1

In action: Hero shots and looks, part 1 - DaVinci Resolve Tutorial

From the course: DaVinci Resolve 12 Essential Training

In action: Hero shots and looks, part 1

- Now let's take a look how we put all of this together using the Hero shots we've been working with throughout this training series, and I'm starting where we left off back in Chapter 11. I've pulled in that time line. This is our color grades. Now I've done something a little bit different. What I did is in shot number one, I warmed it up a little bit to better match what we did on shots two, three and four. So back on shot number one, the first thing I did for the shot match was warm up the skies a little bit. So if I Shift-F and then CMD-D on and off that node, you can see I've warmed it up a little bit just to give it a bit more of that end-of-day feel, and then if I go to the next node, I just did that on my external surface, I'll go ahead and enable this node, and I did a little bit of a brightening and a little bit of a warmth on that as well, I just kind of felt like I liked this image a little bit more, if I go to the beginning of the shot by pressing semi colon and hit…
