From the course: DaVinci Resolve 12 Essential Training

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Media Management panel

Media Management panel

- In previous versions of DaVinci Resolve, we've had some sort of media management tools. Resolve 12 now gives us a media management panel that's really pretty full featured. Let's take a look at what they've given us, if you come up to the File Menu, there's this media management command it's only active if you jump into the Edit page, or if I shift to into the media pool I've got the media management panel. Now, the way it's organized is very simple I can either media manage the entire project, timelines, or individual clips. It's not letting me select clips because I don't have any selected right now. If I were to go in here and just select a timeline, media management, and it's still not letting me select clips I actually have to come down select a clip, file, media management and now I can media manage clips, timelines, or the entire project. We have three choices for each of these, pretty straightforward copy, which is make a duplicate of our media and it will copy it to…
