From the course: DaVinci Resolve 12 Essential Training

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Log wheels as secondary corrections

Log wheels as secondary corrections

- Back when we were talking about making big, honking primary corrections and we were looking at the color wheel section of the Resolve 12 Interface, some of you may have noticed I skipped over something. If you take a look down here in Color Wheels, which is our default area of the interface that pops up when we load up DaVinci Resolve... There's a pull-down for Log. We haven't talked about this yet. Why? Well, that's because I consider these log wheels to be secondary corrections. I don't really consider them to be the same as primary wheels or primary bars. Why is that? Well, I've got a grey scale, which means I'm about to pull up my waveform scopes. And let's take a look at what happens when we adjust these. So I'm going to start with the Highlight control. And I'm just going to adjust the exposure. I'm gong to move it to the right. And it's getting brighter. Move it to the left and it's getting darker. And notice how isolated this correction is. Let's go ahead and reset that…
