From the course: DaVinci Resolve Guru: Moving Timelines Between Editing Apps

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Intro: Importing the editor's timeline

Intro: Importing the editor's timeline

- [Patrick] Now that we've examined the full load of camera originals what I want to do is import a project that I've already created for you because I want to go through and talk about how your editor should prep your timelines for you when you're delivering to a colorist. So I've got a representation here in Resolve of a timeline that needs some work and we'll go ahead and over the next couple of movies we're going to prepare this timeline the way you're editor should for delivery to a colorist and then we'll get into the conform process. So what we're going to do is from our project manager here we're going to right click and import the DRP that I've provided you. Desktop, exercise files, project files, and here's this chapter two Preparing Timelines. Open and now it's imported this project here into Resolve. Now because I created this project these clips relink back here in the media pool. What you're going to have to do is do a relink. So I'll go ahead and show you how to do…
