From the course: DaVinci Resolve 12 Essential Training

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Building a Resolve system: Monitors and calibration

Building a Resolve system: Monitors and calibration - DaVinci Resolve Tutorial

From the course: DaVinci Resolve 12 Essential Training

Building a Resolve system: Monitors and calibration

- Reference monitors, it's a topic near and dear to professional colorists. We could talk on this for hours, but if you hired me to help you choose the proper external display to use with DaVinci Resolve and explain it to you in under eight minutes, here's what I'd say. In DaVinci Resolve land, there are two types of display that we're talking about. The first, the reference monitor. This is a calibrated display that can accurately represent every color in the high definition color space more formally known as Rec. 709. The other type of monitor that Resolve colorists talk about is the computer monitor. This is the display that shows you your desktop and the Resolve user interface. DaVinci Resolve 11 and 12 supports a dual display setup, which we'll look at in another movie. What's the difference between a reference monitor and a computer display? A reference monitor is well, expensive! Why? It's designed, tested and assured to accurately represent professional video color gamits. In…
