From the course: Video Gear: Technical Tips

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Why shoot green screen?

Why shoot green screen?

- So Rich, when I think about green screen I think of things like, Lord of the Rings and action movies where, you know. There's nothing real on set except for the actors and everything later on is added back in CG. But, in reality green screen has many more practical uses than just the latest Hollywood blockbuster. - Green screen does fit into a Hollywood workflow and that's great. But there's lots of times in a normal video project that I need green screen. Maybe we're dealing with a situation where we have limited access. Sure, we could quickly get in and shoot a background plate, but we can't take over a particular location for an hour and a half for an interview. We're just gonna be obstructing things too much. So we'll shoot the subject on a green screen and then composite 'em into the background. Other times, Rob it's just about safety. Maybe you can't get to that location. - [Rob] Yea, or maybe other times Rich it's about styles, sometimes you wanna have maybe an animated…
